
Schemes Of NHB

National Horticulture Board implements programmes as sub-scheme of Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH). NHB will also house the national level TSG under MIDH including NHM and NBM and extend administrative, logistical and personnel support towards their implementation.

List of NHB schemes are given as under:-

  1. I.Development of Commercial Horticulture through Production and Post-Harvest Management of Horticulture Crops
  2. II.Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme for construction/ expansion/ modernization of Cold Storages/Storages of Horticulture Products
  3. III.Technology Development and Transfer for promotion of Horticulture
  4. IV.Market Information Scheme for horticulture Crops
  5. V.Horticulture Promotion Services / Expert Services
General Guidelines for all the Schemes
    2.1 Procedure for filing applications
  1. Detailed procedure for filing applications for financial assistance under all schemes, including on-line applications, cost of application, inspection of projects, scrutiny norms and procedure for scrutiny of project proposals, communication of various sanctions and approvals and record keeping shall be as prescribed by the Board of Directors/Managing Committee from time to time.

  2. 2.2 Procedure for sanction of financial assistance
  3. Sanction of financial assistance as per approved norms shall be carried out as per the procedure prescribed by the Board of Directors/ the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India from time to time. The procedure for sanction of financial assistance under various schemes is given in the respective chapters.

  4. 2.3 Date of coming in to force: The Scheme guidelines shall be effective from 01.04.2014.
    2.4 Eligible Organizations:-
  5. Unless otherwise specified, organizations/promoters, such as Association of Growers, Individuals, group of farmer growers/consumers, Farmers Producer Organizations (FPOs,) Partnership/ Proprietary Firms, Self Help groups (SHGs), NGOs, Companies, Corporations, Cooperatives, Cooperative Marketing Federations, Agricultural Produce Marketing Committees, Marketing Boards/ Committees, Municipal Corporations/ Committees, Agro-Industries Corporations, SAU’s and other concerned R&D organizations are eligible to get assistance under all the NHB schemes.

  6. 2.5 Pattern of Assistance
  7. The details of components and pattern of assistance under various schemes are given in their respective Chapters. However eligible subsidy amount will be capped at par with amount of term loan. The changes in pattern of assistance, cost norms, eligibility, procedure for scheme implementation etc approved by government now onwards shall be incorporated in the guidelines from time to time. The schemes of NHB and other schemes of MIDH including NHM will be mutually exclusive and benefit can be claimed only from one scheme for one project. Components, which are assisted under any other sub-schemes of MIDH or other central scheme, such as APEDA, MFPI, NMPB etc., shall not be eligible for NHB assistance.

  8. 2.6 Cost Norms
  9. The cost norms are intended to incentivise investment in certain areas and relate only to admissible items in a project. Moreover, cost norms are not to be understood as a funding mechanism for the projects.

  10. 2.7 Legal
  11. Any dispute will be subject to Jurisdiction of Gurgaon court only.