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एनएचबी इंट्रानेट
आईसीएपी लॉगिन
मुख्य पृष्ठ
हमारे बारे में
एनएचबी के बारे में
संगठन संरचना
क्षेत्र अधिकारी
नियम और विनियम
मेमोरंडम ऑफ असोसीएशन
निदेशक मंडल (सरकारी/गैर-सरकारी सदस्य)
प्रबंध समिति
सामान्य जानकारी
वार्षिक विवरण
वर्ष 2022-23
वर्ष 2021-22
वर्ष 2020-21
वर्ष 2019-20
वर्ष 2018-19
वर्ष 2017-18
वर्ष 2016-17
वर्ष 2015-16
वर्ष 2014-15
वर्ष 2013-14
वर्ष 2012-13
वर्ष 2011-12
वर्ष 2010-11
वर्ष 2009-10
वर्ष 2008-09
लाभार्थी सूची
वर्ष 2021-22
वर्ष 2020-21
वर्ष 2019-20
वर्ष 2018-19
वर्ष 2017-18
वर्ष 2016-17
वर्ष 2015-16
वर्ष 2014-15
वर्ष 2013-14
वर्ष 2012-13
वर्ष 2011-12
वर्ष 2010-11
वर्ष 2009-10
सीआईएच और उत्पादक संघ
दिशानिर्देश अभिलेखागार
परिचालन दिशानिर्देश आईपीए 2019-20
परिचालन दिशानिर्देश आईपीए 2018-19
परिचालन दिशानिर्देश आईपीए 2017-18
परिचालन दिशानिर्देश फरवरी 2015
परिचालन दिशानिर्देश जुलाई 2010
ऑपरेशनल दिशानिर्देश अप्रैल 2009
जून 2006 में परिचालन दिशानिर्देश
ऑपरेशनल दिशानिर्देश फरवरी 2005
आरटीआई अधिनियम 2005
आरटीआई अधिनियम
आरटीआई पोर्टल
सक्रिय प्रकटीकरण
आरटीआई एमआईएस--आरटीआई आवेदन ट्रैक करें
योजना अनुवीक्षण, पर्यवेक्षण और नियंत्रण एवं स्टाफ रोटेशन हेतु दिशानिर्देश
नागरिक चार्टर
योजना मार्गदर्शिका
योजना 1 (वाणिज्यिक बागवानी) और योजना 2 (कोल्ड स्टोरेज)
प्रौद्योगिकी विकास अंतरण योजना
बागवानी के संवर्धन हेतु प्रौद्योगिकी विकास और हस्तांतरण के लिए दिशानिर्देश
प्रौद्योगिकी विकास और हस्तांतरण योजना हेतु प्रारूप
बागवानी फसलों के लिए बाजार सूचना सेवा योजना
बागवानी संवर्धन संवर्धन सेवा
बागवानी नर्सरी की मान्यता
सांख्यिकी एवं बाजार सूचना
मूल्य और आगमन आंकड़ें
दैनिक मूल्य-आगमन बाजार बुलेटिन
दैनिक मूल्य-आगमन (सभी फसल/सभी बाजार)
साप्ताहिक मूल्य और आगमन रिपोर्ट
मासिक मूल्य और आगमन रिपोर्ट
मासिक तुलना मूल्य और आगमन रिपोर्ट
वार्षिक मूल्य आगमन रिपोर्ट
क्षेत्र उत्पादन सांख्यिकी
राज्य स्तर
जिला स्तर
अन्य आंकड़ें
एनएचबी इंटरैक्टिव
ट्रैक आवेदन
वाणिज्यिक बागवानी योजना
कोल्ड स्टोरेज योजना
प्रौद्योगिकी विकास अंतरण योजना
नर्सरी रेटिंग प्रणाली
वाणिज्यिक बागवानी योजना
कोल्ड स्टोरेज योजना
प्रौद्योगिकी विकास अंतरण योजना
नर्सरी रेटिंग प्रणाली
बागवानी फसलों के लिए क्षेत्र और उत्पादन अनुमान(इंटरैक्टिव क्वेरी आधारित मॉड्यूल)
एक स्टार नर्सरी पाएं
ट्रैक आरटीआई आवेदन
निविदा / रिक्तियों
संपर्क करें
एनएचबी मुख्यालय
क्षेत्र अधिकारी
हमारा नेटवर्क
समाचार और घोषणाएं
NCCD Annexures-Basic Datasheets
Engagement of Technical Advisor for Clean Plant Program Wing at National Horticulture Board, Gurugram on Contractual Basis from retired Government Officers of the level of Principal Scientists
Corrigendum notification for Extension of last date for submission of proposal for Solapur Pomegranate Cluster
Engagement of Consultants under the Scheme “Technology Development and Transfer for Promotion of Horticulture” for Nursery Accreditation
Updated-Engineering Guidelines and Minimum System Standards for Implementation in Cold Chain Components
Corrigendum-Engineering guidelines & minimum system standards for implementation in cold chain component
Services of Email to Applicant and Banks
Advertisement of RFP for Anantpur Banana Cluster under HCDP
RFP for Solapur Pomegranate Cluster - Call for Proposal for Implementing Agency
Engineering guidelines & minimum system standards for implementation in cold chain component
Intimation of Revised Guidelines
Revision in the Guidelines of Cluster Development Scheme and introduction of a new Component of the Multi-commodity high value clusters and peri-urban vegetable clusters Component as a part of CDP
Revision in the Scheme Guidelines of MIDH and NHB
Details of Projects approved in various IC/PAC meetings of NHB but pending for release of subsidy because of PFMS failure
Inviting applications for Recognition/ Authorization/ Notification of NABL accredited food testing laboratories analysis and Residue management Plan under Bharat GAP Certification Schemes
Inviting applications for Accreditation of Certification Bodies under Bharat GAP Certification Schemes
Notice Inviting Applications for accreditation of certification bodies and empanelment of NABL accredited testing laboratories
Request for Proposals for Selection of Implementing Agencies for Implementation of Different Verticals in Solapur District, Maharashtra for Pomegranate crop under the Cluster Development Programme (CDP) of National Horticulture Board (NHB), MoA&FW
In reference to the earlier corrigendum dated 04.10.2024 and GEM/2024/B/5290219 Dated: 14.08.2024- Custom Bid for Services- RFP for engagement of Programme Management Unit for Cluster Development Programme of National Horticulture BoardCorrigendum of bidding schedule stipulated in Tender Information Summary (TIS) of RFP document- reg.
Declaration of Result for the post of Deputy Director in NHB
In reference to the earlier Corrigendum dated 30.09.2024 and GEM/2024/B/5290219 Dated: 14.08.2024- Custom Bid for Services- RFP for engagement of Programme Management Unit for Cluster Development Programme of National Horticulture Board- Corrigendum of Bidding schedule stipulated in Tender Information Summary (TIS) of RFP document.
In reference to the earlier Corrigendum dated 24.09.2024 and GEM/2024/B/5290219 Dated: 14.08.2024- Custom Bid for Services- RFP for engagement of Programme Management Unit for Cluster Development Programme of National Horticulture Board- Corrigendum of Bidding schedule stipulated in Tender Information Summary (TIS) of RFP document.
Corrigendum of Bidding schedule stipulated in Tender Information Summary (TIS) of RFP document- GEM/2024/B/5290219 Dated: 14.08.2024 - Custom Bid for Services- RFP for engagement of Programme Management Unit for Cluster Development Programme of National Horticulture Board.
Online Meeting for opening of Bids and download of documents through Virtual Mode under Cluster Development Programme
Clarifications/Revert from NCCD’s for Expression of interest for Procurement of IT Agency for NCCD’s Website Redesigning and Mobile Application Development
Clarifications/Revert from NHB to the Pre-Bid queries on the RFP for engagement of Programme Management Unit for Cluster Development Programme of National Horticulture Board
Corrigendum of Bidding schedule stipulated in Tender Information Summary (TIS) of RFP document for Engagement of PMU for Cluster Development Programme.
Corrigendum -Extension of timelines for Expression of interest for Procurement of IT Agency for NCCD’s Website Redesigning and Mobile Application Development
Pre-bid meeting on 03.09.2024 (on 2:00 PM)in virtual mode-Custom Bid for Services - RFP for engagement of Programme Management Unit for Cluster Development Programme of National Horticulture Board
Proposal (RFP) for the Engagement of an Agency / Organization to function as Programme Management Unit for Cluster Development Program of National Horticulture Board
Cancellation of Tender - GEM/2024/B/4485481 Dated 15.01.2024-Custom Bid for Services-RFP for engagement of Programme Management Unit for Cluster Development Programme of National Horticulture Board
Corrigendum- for the post of Sr. Horticulture Officer in direct recruitment 2023 of NHB
Result of the vacancy for recruitment to the post of Senior Horticulture Officer on Direct Recruitmet basis in NHB
Corrigendum for reducing of one vacancy for the post of Senior Horticulture Officer in NHB advertised vide employment newspaper dated 16-22 December, 2023
Technical Bid Opening for RFP-Engagement of PMU for CDP
Corrigendum of Bidding schedule stipulated in Tender Information Summary (TIS) of RFP document for Engagement of PMU for Cluster Development Programme.
Revised Response to Queries of Bid No GEM/2024/B/4485481 Dated: 15-01-2024 -Custom Bid for Services - RFP for engagement of Programme Management Unit for Cluster Development Programme of National Horticulture Board
Response to Pre-bid query of Bid No GEM/2024/B/4485481 Dated: 15-01-2024 -Custom Bid for Services - RFP for engagement of Programme Management Unit for Cluster Development Programme of National Horticulture Board
GEM/2024/B/4485481 Dated: 15-01-2024 -Custom Bid for Services - RFP for engagement of Programme Management Unit for Cluster Development Programme of National Horticulture Board- –Corrigendum of Bidding schedule stipulated in Tender Information Summary (TIS)of RFP document
Pre-bid Meeting- Custom Bid for Services- RFP for engagement of Programme Management Unit for Cluster Development Programme of National Horticulture Board to be held on 29.01.2024 (on 3:00 PM) in virtual mode
Pre-bid meeting on 29.01.2024 (on 3:00 PM)in virtual mode-Custom Bid for Services - RFP for engagement of Programme Management Unit for Cluster Development Programme of National Horticulture Board . Meeting link will be uploaded on GeM and NHB website before the scheduled time of meeting.
Custom Bid for Services - RFP for engagement of Programme Management Unit for Cluster Development Programme of National Horticulture Board-Last date for Bid submission 09.02.2024 (4:00 PM)
Information Bulletin for recruitment to the post of Deputy Director in NHB
Information Bulletin for recruitment to the post of Senior Horticulture Officer in NHB
Model DPR /Financial Appraisal Template for Projects Under the Scheme of National Horticulture Board.
Revision in the Scheme Guidelines of NHB, including its implementation design, documentation and sanctioning process – reg.
Comments invited from stakeholders on Draft TOR of proposed study of NCCD on Baseline Survey and Gap Analysis of cold chain infrastructure
Extension of the last date for submission of bid for Impact evaluation of schemes of NHB
फोटो गैलरी
सभी देखें
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वीडियो गैलरी
सभी देखें
ज्ञान केंद्र
सभी देखें
एग्री इंफ्रा फंड