Description of components and Pattern of Assistance
1. Components - Credit linked projects relating to Cold Storages including Controlled Atmosphere (CA) and Modified Atmosphere (MA) Stores, pre-cooling units, other Storages for onion, etc., their modernization are eligible for assistance under this component.
2. Pattern of Assistance : The assistance will be as credit linked back-ended subsidy @ 40% of the capital cost of project in general areas and 55% in case of Hilly & Scheduled Areas for a maximum storage capacity of 5000 MT per project for item (1) to (4) below: -
General conditions for cold storage projects:-
- Multi-chamber cold storages with mezzanine floors of RCC and or wooden structure for products not requiring pre-cooling, temperature range 0°C plus to 16°C or above with fin-coil cooling system, with control system for humidity (RH 80% to 95% in general and 65%-70% for onion & garlic or appropriate level for seed storage etc) and appropriate handling of stored commodity with safety system against accidents of fire, leakage of refrigerant etc. Minimum of two chambers, Standard insulation material, with civil structure, insulations and cooling system as per prescribed Standards - @ Rs 6,000 per MT
- Multi-chamber and Multi-Product cold storage for whole range of horticulture produce but without pre-cooling system (temperature range from -2°C or lower to +16°C plus (with temperature, humidity and CO2 control (RH= 80% to 95% for F &V in general and 65%-70% for onion & garlic or appropriate level for seed storage etc), fin-coil cooling system and energy saving devices for peak and lean load period, heat exchanger with CO2 control system, appropriate technology for control of microorganism / dust mite and mechanical handling of stored commodity such as racks, pallets & forklift / stacker (as per site conditions); bags/ bins and crates/ CFB boxes and also safety devices against accident.
(a) With civil structure/ pre-fabricated engg. Structure, insulation, cooling system etc as per prescribed standards excluding cold storage with mezzanine floors @ Rs 7000/- per MT
(b) With civil structure/ pre-fabricated engg. structure, insulation, cooling system etc. as per prescribed standards (excluding cold storage with mezzanine floors) and having on-farm or off-farm pack house facility of washing / de-sapping (as per requirement), drying, sorting, grading, waxing, packing etc and pre-cooling @ Rs 8000/- per MT
Modernization of Cold Storages : a) Up gradation of thermal insulation and b) Up gradation of cooling system, refrigeration, air flow, electric installation, handling devices, safety devices etc. - Project based @ maximum 1000/MT for (a) and up to Rs. 2000/MT for (b) above. Benefit of (a) and (b) may go together for complete modernization.
CA Storages (@ Rs 32,000 per MT)
Credit components as means of finance of the project should be term loan from banking or non banking financial institutions and should be at least 15% more than the admissible rate of subsidy.
- Only such projects under this component shall be eligible to get financial assistance as per revised norms, which meet prescribed minimum technical standards; this shall be ascertained as per implementation protocols prescribed in this regard
- Rack, pallets and design-appropriate system for mechanized handling are incorporated in above type designs.
- In respect of projects, which have addition of components or technically recommended different combinations of components of pre-cooling, pack house etc, the normative cost shall be worked out by the Committee of the Board.
- NHB assistance is available only when notified latest technical standards and protocol for the purpose by the Ministry of Agriculture are followed by the beneficiary.
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