Kiwi or Chinese gooseberry (Actinidia deliciosa) is grown widely in
New Zealand, Italy, USA, China, Japan, Australia, France, Chile and Spain.
The main objective of this report is to present a bankable one acre model for high quality commercial cultivation of the crop.
Area & Production
Kiwi is mostly grown in the mid
hills of Himachal Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, J & K, Sikkim, Meghalaya,
Arunachal Pradesh and Kerala. Having
been very newly introduced in the country estimates of area and production have
not yet become available.
3.2 Economic Importance
The fruit has high nutritive and
medicinal value. It is a rich source of vitamin B & C and minerals like
phosphorus, potassium & calcium. Fruits
are consumed fresh or combined with other fruits in salads and deserts. It is
also used for preparation of squash and wine.
Agro-climatic requirements
Kiwi can be grown in areas
experiencing 700-800 chilling hours (no. of hours during which temperature
remains at or below 70 C during the winter season). The plant can be
grown at 800-1500 m. above m.s.l. A rainfall of about 150 cm. /year is
sufficient. The rainfall should be well distributed during the growing period.
The plant does not withstand strong winds and frost during the growing period
because of its vigorous vegetative growth, large leaves and viny habit. In
summer, high temperature (> 350 C) and low humidity may cause
scorching of leaves. Sun scald and heat stress are the main problems in its
cultivation in lower areas.
Deep, rich, well-drained sandy loam
soils are ideal for cultivation of kiwi. A soil pH slightly less than 6.9
results in maximum yield but higher pH upto 7.3 adversely affects the yield due
to Mn deficiency.
4.2 Growing and Potential Belts
The crop can come up very well in
certain locations of Himachal Pradesh and parts of Kerala. These two states have the potential for
commercial cultivation of the crop.
Varieties Cultivated
Land Preparation
Steep land is contoured into
terraces for planting vines. The rows are to be oriented in a north-south
direction to avail maximum sunlight. A thorough preparation of soil is
essential for the successful establishment of its vineyard. Preparation of
pits, mixture of farmyard manure and filling of pits are to be completed by
Planting Material
Plants are mostly propagated vegetatively
through cuttings and grafting.
Planting season
Planting is usually
done in the month of January. The planting should be done at the same depth at
which the plants were growing in the nursery. The soil should be firmly placed
around the roots. The plants are pruned hard to about 30 cm. to encourage
vigorous growth.
Planting distance
varies according to variety and system of training. Usually, T-bar and pergola
system are adopted for planting. In T-bar , a spacing of 4 m. from row to row
and 5-6 m. from plant to plant is common whereas in pergola system, a spacing
of 6 m. from row to row should be maintained.
A fertilizer dose of 20 kg. farmyard
manure (basal dose), 0.5 kg. NPK mixture containing 15% N is recommended for
application every year. After 5 years of age, 850-900 g. N , 500-600 g. P ,
800-900 g. K and farmyard manure should be applied every year.
Kiwi requires high Cl because its
deficiency adversely affects the growth of shoot and roots. In contrast, excess
levels of B and Na are harmful. The N fertilizer should be applied in two equal
doses, half to two-thirds in January-February and the rest after fruit set in
April-May. In young vines the fertilizer is mixed in the soil within the
periphery of the vine, and for the matured vine it is broadcast evenly over the
entire soil surface.
Training is
required to establish and maintain a well-formed framework of main branches and
fruiting arms. The supporting branches
are erected even before planting the vines or thereafter as early as possible.
Three types of supporting structures (fences) are constructed. A single wire
fence is commonly adopted though another wire is sometimes provided and then
structure takes the form of kniffin system. One 2.5 mm. thick tensile wire is
strung on the top of pillars which are 1.8-2.0 m. high above the ground. The
pillars are made of wood, concrete or iron and are erected at a distance of 6m.
from each other in a row. The wire tension at installation should not be
over-strained otherwise wire can break at knot due to crop load. A cross arm
(1.5 m.) on the pole also carries two outrigger wires. This training is known
as T-bar or overhead trellis/telephone system. The laterals arising from the
main branch are trained on canopy of three wires.
A flat topped
network or criss-cross wires are prepared to train vines on pergola or bower
system. The system is costly and difficult to manage but gives higher yield.
Irrigation is provided during
September-October when the fruit is in initial stage of growth and development.
Irrigation at 10-15 days interval has been found to be beneficial.
Intercultural Operations
operations are carried out on regular basis to remove the weeds.
Inter-cropping with vegetables and leguminous crops is beneficial during the initial five years of plantation.
4.11 Plant Protection Measures
No serious pest and disease incidence on the crop has been reported so far.
Harvesting and Yield
Kiwi vine starts bearing at the age
of 4-5 years while the commercial production starts at the age of 7-8 years.
The fruits mature earlier at lower altitude and later at high altitudes because
of variation in temperature. Large sized berries are harvested first while
smaller ones are allowed to increase in size. After harvesting, the fruits are
rubbed with a coarse cloth to remove stiff hairs found on their surface. Hard
fruits are transported to the market. Subsequently, they lose their firmness in
two weeks and become edible.
On an average, the fruit yield
varies from 50-100 kg. /vine. Vines on trellis produce about 25 tonnes/ha.
after 7 years.
Fruits are graded on the basis of
their weight. Fruits weighing 70 g. and above are graded as ‘A’-grade fruits
and between 40-70 g. as ‘B’ grade fruits.
Kiwi fruits have an excellent
keeping quality. The fruits can be kept in good condition in a cool place
without refrigeration upto 8 weeks. It can be kept for 4-6 months in a cold
storage at -0.60to 00 C.
There is no standard package for kiwi
fruits. Cardboard boxes of 3-4 kg. capacity are generally used for packing.
Polythene liners in storage cases are very effective in maintaining high
humidity and can be used to maintain fruits in good condition for a longer
Majority of the growers sell their
produce either through trade agents at village level or commission agents at
the market.
Major sources for technology are :
Agriculture University, Jorhat, Assam-785013.
Agricultural University, Vellanikara, Trichur-680656, Kerela.
Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture & Forestry, Solan, Nauni-173230,
Himachal Pradesh.
quality commercial cultivation of crop by using high quality planting material
and drip irrigation leads to multiple benefits viz.
Synchronized growth, flowering and harvesting;
in variation of off-type and non-fruit plants;
fruit quality;
Costs & Returns
A one
acre plantation of the crop is a viable proposition. The major cost components of such a model are given in the table
below: The project cost works out to Rs. 2.50 lakhs (vide Annexure I & II).
Cost Components of a One Acre Model KIWI Plantation
(Amount in Rs.)
Sl. No. |
Component |
Proposed Expenditure |
1. |
Cultivation Expenses |
(i) |
Cost of planting material (4x5m) |
4000 |
(ii) |
6000 |
(iii) |
Insecticides & pesticides |
2000 |
(iv) |
Cost of Labour |
5800 |
(v) |
Others, if any, (Power) |
3600 |
Sub Total |
21400 |
2. |
Irrigation |
(i) |
Tube-well/submersible pump |
50000 |
(ii) |
Cost of Pipeline |
- |
(iii) |
Others, if any |
- |
Sub Total |
50000 |
3. |
Cost of Drip/Sprinkler |
20000 |
4. |
Infrastructure |
(i) |
Store & Pump House |
20000 |
(ii) |
Labour room |
10000 |
(ii) |
Agriculture Equipments/ Implements |
5000 |
(iii) |
Others, if any (Training Structure)
90000 |
Sub Total |
125000 |
5. |
Land Development |
(i) |
Soil leveling |
4000 |
(ii) |
Digging |
- |
(iii) |
Fencing |
29600 |
(iv) |
Others, if any, please specify |
- |
Sub Total |
33600 |
Grand Total |
2,50,000 |
N.B.: Cost of land, if newly purchased, can be included in the
project. This will
be limited to 10% of the total project cost.
major components of the model are:
Development: (Rs. 4.0 thousand): This is the
cost of shaping and dressing the land site.
(Rs. 29.6 thousand): It is necessary to guard the orchard from
animals etc. by a barbed wire fencing.
Infra-structure (Rs. 50.0 thousand): For effective working with drip irrigation
system, it is necessary to install a tube-well with diesel/electric pumpset and
SI motor. This is post cost of
Irrigation (Rs. 20.0 thousand): This is
average cost of one acre drip system.
The actual cost will vary depending on location, plant population and
plot geometry.
(Rs. 5.0 thousand): Improved manually/power
operated essential implements and equipment.
and Storage (Rs. 30.0 thousand): A one
acre orchard would require minimally a grading/packing room – cum- pump house
and a labour room.
of Cultivation (Rs. 21.4 thousand): Land preparation and planting operations
will involve 83 days of manual labour, the cost of which will come to Rs. 5.80
thousand. The cost of planting material
works out to Rs. 4.0 thousand i.e. 200 grafts @ Rs. 20 per graft.
structure for plants (Rs. 90 thousand) vide para 4.7
Capital costs are high in hill areas
where the crop is cultivated as compared to plain areas. Labour cost has been put at an
average of Rs. 70 per man-day. The
actual cost will vary from location to location depending upon minimum wage
levels or prevailing wage levels for skilled and unskilled labour.
Since the orchard would be start
giving yield from 4th year onwards, it is proposed to take up
inter-cropping in the initial years particularly of vegetables which would cost
RS. 10000/- per acre and would yield on average 6 tonnes/acre. Valued at Rs.30.00 thousand.
Recurring Production Cost: Recurring production costs are
exhibited in Annexure III. The main
components are planting material, land preparation, inputs application (FYM,
fertilizers, micro-nutrients liming material, plant protection chemicals etc.),
power and labour on application of inputs, inter-cultural and other farm
Returns from the Project:
The yield from the plantation is obtained from fourth year onwards. The yield per acre increases from 5 tonnes
in 4th year to 8 tonnes in 7th
year. Valued at Rs. 18000 per tonne the
return goes up from Rs. 90 thousand to Rs. 144 thousand (Vide
Project Financing
Balance Sheet: The projected balance sheet of the model is given at Annexure IV. There would be three sources of financing the project as below:
Source Rupees
Farmer’s share (50%) 125.00
subsidy (20%)
50.00 Term loan (30%) 75.00
Profit & Loss Account: The cash flow statement may be seen in Annexure V. Annexure VI projects the profit and
loss account of the model. Gross profit
goes up from Rs.39.60 thousand in post operative year 1 to Rs. 65.9 thousand in
post operative year 5.
Repayment of Term Loan: The term loan will be repaid in eleven
equated 6 monthly installments of Rs. 6.82 thousand with a moratorium of 48
months. The rate of interest would have
to be negotiated with the financing bank. It has been put at 12% in the model
(vide Annexures VII & VII A).
Annexure VIII gives depreciation calculations.
Project Viability:
IRR/BCR: The viability of the project is assessed in Annexure IX. The IRR works out to 24.19 and the
BCR to 1.7 over a post-operative period of 15 years.
Debt Service coverage ratio calculations are presented in Annexure X. The average DSCR works out to 3.75.
Period: On the basis of costs and
returns of the model, the pay back period is estimated at 6.71 years (vide
Annexure XI).
Point: The break even point will be reached in the third year. At this point fixed cost would work out to 71.5%
of gross sales (vide Annexure XII).