grass (Cymbopogan flexuosus) is a native aromatic tall sedge (family: Poaceae) which
grows in many parts of tropical and sub-tropical South East Asia and Africa. In
India, it is cultivated along Western Ghats (Maharashtra, Kerala), Karnataka
and Tamil Nadu states besides foot-hills of Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim. It
was introduced in India about a century back and is now commercially cultivated
in these States.
The main objective of this report is
to present a bankable one acre model for high quality commercial cultivation of
the crop.
3.1 Origin
Most of the species of lemon grass are native to South Asia, South-east Asia and Australia. The so called East Indian lemon grass (Cymbopogon flexuosus) , also known as Malabar or Cochin grass is native to India , Sri Lanka, Burma and Thailand ; for the related West Indian lemon grass (C. citratus ), a Malesian origin is generally assumed. Both the species are today cultivated throughout tropical Asia.
3.2 Botanical Description
Lemon grass is a tall, perennial
sedge throwing up dense fasciclles of leaves from a short rhizome. The culm is
stout, erect, upto 1.8 meter high. Leaves are long, glaucous, green, linear
tapering upwards and along the margins; ligule very short; sheaths terete,
those of the barren shoots widened and tightly clasping at the base, others
narrow and separating. It is a short day plant and produce profuse flowering in
South India. The inflorescence is a long spike about one metre in length.
Flowers borne on decompound spatheate ; panicles 30 to over 60 cm long.
3.3 Area and Production
At present, India grows this crop in
3,000 ha area, largely in states of Kerala, Karnataka, U.P. and Assam and the
annual production ranges between 300-350 t/annum.
3.4 Economic Importance
The oil is distilled from leaves and
flowering tops of Lemon grass. The oil has strong lemon-like odour, due to high
percentage ( over 75%) of citral in the oil. The characteristic smell of oil
makes its use in scenting of soaps, detergents, insect repellent preparations.
However, the major use of oil is as a source of citral, which goes in
perfumery, cosmetics, beverages and is a starting material for manufacture of
ionones, which produces vitamin – A. The Citral rich oil has germicidal,
medicinal and flavouring properties. An allied species called West Indian lemon
grass (C.citratus) has low citral
content in the oil and has meager trade in the country.
4.1 Demand and Supply Patterns
During early fifties India produced over 1800 t/annum of this oil and
held monopoly both in production and world trade. This situation no longer exists as
Guatemala, China, Mexico, Bangladesh etc. have developed its cultivation over
large areas.
Currently the world production of
oil of Lemon grass is around 600 t/annum. However, another 600 t of a
substitute oil viz., Litsea cubeba (rich in citral) is exported by China
(price Rs.400/kg) which limits the scope for any faster growth in export trade
of lemon grass oil. Synthetic citral is
also available which competes with this oil and natural citral in market. The
current price of oil is Rs.350 to 400/kg (price has increased in recent months). The price of citral varies from Rs.500 to Rs.550/kg
The trend in prices of oil both in
the domestic and international markets during the five year period i.e.
1998-2002 are depicted in the graph below.
There are two markets for lemon grass oil presently viz., Cochin and
Mumbai. The agents of processing /
exporting companies visit the production area, check up the quality of the crop
and agree up a price with the producer.
The purchaser collects the produce at the site on agreed price and bears
the cost of further transportation / processing.
4.2 Import / Export Trends
India is the largest producer of
lemon grass and about 80% of the produce is being exported. The essential oil
is being traditionally exported to West Europe, U.S.A. and Japan.
4.3 Analysis and Future Strategy
The country has evolved cv. Jamrosa
through crossing lemon grass with an allied spp. which produces more robust
growth of the crop and the oil has higher citral content. Its annual production
is around 20 to 25 tonnes. So far, our aim has been to develop high citral
bearing cultivars. Considering the bio-diversity in Cymbopogon spp. found in India; some allied spp. have shown to
contain high value of nerolidal and farnesol in the oil. Obviously, varieties
with these high value aroma compounds should be developed. The RRL (Jammu) has recently
come out with a culture rich in bisabalol (15-20%); this has to be upgraded to
yield 35-40% of this aroma compound to fetch better return and develop into
monopoly item for export. Further, RRL (Jorhat) has published composition of Litsea kingii oil (native to North East)
containing 32.8% sabinine which is another aroma compound fairly valuable in
trade. This should also receive focus in cultivation and crop improvement in
the country.
The oil of lemon grass has high
percentage of terpenes (limonene and myrecene), beside menthyl
heptenone,linalool, geranyl acetate, nerol and geraniol left in the oil after
extraction of citral. Obviously, we should produce these minor fractions in
high purity to fetch good price and market them separately. Further, citral can
be converted into high value compounds like cintronellal, geraniol, geranyl
acid and geranyl nitride but the processes are governed by patents. We should therefore
make an attempt to develop our own methods for their production or trading
houses be encouraged to buy patents to produce these fractions of lemon grass
oil in the country.
5.1 Agro-climatic Requirements
The crop grows well in both tropical and subtropical climates at an elevation upto 900 m. (above m.s.l.). However, ideal conditions for growing lemon grass are warm and humid climate with sufficient sunshine and 250-330 cm rainfall per annum, evenly distributed over most part of the year. A temperature ranging from 20-300 C and good sunshine throughout the year is conducive to high crop yield. Lemon grass can also be grown in semi-arid regions receiving low to moderate rainfall.
Lemon grass can grow well over medium fertile soils and moderate irrigation. Well drained sandy loam is most suitable for the growth of the plant . It can be grown on a variety of soils ranging from loam to poor laterite. Calcareous and water logged soils should be avoided as they are unsuitable for cultivation.
5.2 Growing and Potential Belts
Lemon grass is widely cultivated in
the states of Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu in the southern region, parts of
Uttar Pradesh and Uttaranchal in the northern region and Assam in the
north-eastern region. At present, East Indian lemon grass (C.flexuosus) is mainly cultivated in the western part of India.
It can be cultivated throughout
Andhra Pradesh either as a rainfed or irrigated crop in poor and marginal
soils, wastelands and alkaline soils having pH 9.6.
5.3 Varieties
The varieties of lemon grass grown
in the country include the following :
Table-1: Currently grown varieties and their description
Variety |
Description |
Sugandhi (OD 19) |
It is adapted to a wide range of soil and climatic condition. ·
A red stemmed variety with plant height 1 to 1.75 m and profuse
tillering. ·
The oil yield ranges from 80 to 100 kg per hectare with 85-88
per cent of total citral produced under rain-fed conditions (with life saving
irrigation). |
Pragati |
It is a tall growing variety with dark purple leaf sheath
suitable for north Indian Plains and tarai belt of subtropical and tropical
climate. ·
Average oil content is 0.63 per cent with 75-82 per cent citral. |
Praman |
Evolved through clonal selection and belong to species C.
pendulus. ·
It is a medium sized variety with erect leaves and profuse
tillering. ·
The oil yield is high with 82 per cent citral. |
Jama Rosa |
Very hardy with vigorous growth. ·
The variety yields about 35 tonnes of herbage per ha. containing
0.4 % oil(FWB). ·
The variety yields upto 300kg oil in 4-5 cuts in 16-18 months
growing period. |
RRL 16 |
Average herbage yield of this variety is 15 to 20
tonnes/hectare/annum giving 100 to 110 kg oil. ·
The oil content varies from 0.6 to 0.8 per cent (fresh weight
basis) with 80 per cent citral. |
CKP 25 |
A hybrid between C.khasianum X C.pendulus. ·
Gives 60 t/ha herbage in North Indian plains under irrigation. ·
The oil contains 82.85% citral. |
Other Varieties |
OD-408, Kaveri (OD-408
is white stemmed selection from OD-19 and is an improvement in yield in terms
of oil and citral content. Kaveri
needs high soil moisture to produce luxuriant growth and is evolved for river
valley tracts.) |
Krishna, Pragati and Cauvery are
improved varieties of lemongrass suitable for cultivation in Andhra Pradesh.
OD-19 is an old and established variety.
5.4 Propagation
The crop is best propagated through seed raised in nurseries, 2.5 kg. of the fresh seed produces enough seedling for planting one ha. of land. It is also vegetatively propagated by splitting the clumps into slips. These are planted at a spacing of 60x80 cm. About 55,000 slips are required for one ha of planting.
5.5 Seed Production
The crop flowers during November-December and seeds mature in next
two months viz. February-March (dry season in Kerala). For collection of seeds,
the plants are maintained in good health as the yield of seeds from plants
subjected to regular harvest is low. On an average, a healthy plant gives about
100-200 g of seeds. At the time of seed collection, the whole inflorescence is
cut and sun dried for 2-3 days. These are then threshed and seeds are again
dried in the sun and the seed remain attached with fluffy mass which is removed
by beating of seed bag at sowing. These dry seed lots are stored in gunny bags
lined with polythene. The seeds lose their viability if stored for a period more
than one year.
5.6 Nursery Raising
The transplanting of nursery raised seedlings is found to be
superior to direct sowing of seeds. The seeds are sown by hand on well prepared
raised beds of 1m to 1.5m width at the onset of monsoon and are covered with a
thin layer of soil. Although 2.5 kg. of seed produce enough seedlings, the seed
rate is 4-5kg/ha. The bed should be watered immediately after sowing and care
should be taken to maintain adequate moisture in the soil. Seed germinates in
5-6 days and the seedlings are ready for transplanting after a period of 60
5.7 Planting
Seedlings are planted at a distance of 40x40 cm., 40x30 cm., 40x60
cm. apart depending upon fertility of land and inter-culture implements used.
It is better to plant on ridges in areas receiving high rainfall. In case of
rooted slips one or two slips are placed into each hole, about 15 cm deep.
5.8 Irrigation
newly bred varieties of lemongrass have water requirement for optimum yield. In
northern India, 4-6 irrigations are given during summer months (February- June).
If rains are erratic, the field is irrigated at an interval of 3 days during the first month and 7 - 10 day
intervals subsequently. After the establishment of plants, irrigation schedule
is adjusted depending on water holding capacity of the soil and weather
5.9 Nutrition
It is recommended to apply 30 kg nitrogen, 30 kg P2 O5
and 30 kg K2O per ha basal dose at the time of planting. Remaining
nitrogen (60 to 90 kg) can be applied as top-dressing in 3 to 4 split doses
during the growing season. In soils having low fertility levels, the dose of
nitrogen should be increased. In Zinc deficient soils of Uttar Pradesh, 25 - 60 kg Zinc sulphate per
ha. is applied. Lemongrass crop is free from most pests or disease but may
require micronutrients over marginal lands.
5.10 Intercultural Operations
field is kept weed free for the first 3 - 4 months after plating. Similarly,
weeding cum hoeing is done up to 1 month, after every harvest. Generally, 2-3 weedings are necessary during a year. In
row-planted crops, inter-operations can be done by a tractor-drawn cultivator
or hand-hoe. Distillation waste of this crop is applied as organic mulch @ 3
tonnes/ha and this is found effective for controlling weeds in the crop. Among
herbicides, Diuron @ 1.5 kg ai/ha and Oxyfluorfen @ 0.5 kg ai/ha are effective
for weed control. Lemongrass on establishment smoothen weeds.
5.11 Plant Protection Measures
There are several pests and diseases recorded on the crop but these cause only minor damage and loss of crop is usually insignificant in value.
5.11.1 Insect Pests
Insects |
Scientific name of insects |
Nature of damage |
Control |
Stem Boring Caterpillar |
Chilotrea sp. |
It feeds
on the stem. · The central leaf gets dried up and ultimately the whole shoot dies, resulting in a significant reduction in the yield of the grass. |
of Folidol E 605. |
Nematodes |
Tylenchorhynchus vulgaris and allied sp. where soil is the source |
plants get infected. |
of Fenamiphos @11.2kg/ha. |
5.11.2 Diseases
Name of disease |
Causal organism |
Symptoms |
Control |
Red Leaf Spot |
Colletotrichum graminicola |
· Brown spots with
concentric rings in the centre appearing on the lower surface of the leaves. · The spots may be
formed on leaf sheaths and midrib. Later the spots merge to form bigger
patches and the affected leaves dry away. |
· Two sprays of Bavistin
0.1% just after the appearance of the disease at an interval of 20 days . · Three sprays of
Dithane M-45 (0.2%) at an interval of 10-12 days. |
Leaf Blight |
Curvularia andropogonis |
· Minute, circular,
reddish brown spots mostly on the margins and tip of the leaves which merge
to form elongated reddish brown necrotic lesions resulting in premature
drying of leaves, older leaves are more susceptible to infection. |
· Spraying Dithane Z-78
(0.2%) or 0.3% Copper oxychloride at an interval of 15 days. |
Little Leaf or Grassy Shoot |
Balansia sclerotica |
Stunted growth · Little leaf formation
in place of normal inflorescence. |
· Spraying Dithane Z-78
(0.3%) just before flowering stage at an interval of 10-12 days. · Use of fresh seedlings
for plantation and crop rotation. |
5.12 Harvesting and Yield
flowers in winter season. The first harvest is
generally obtained after 4 to 6 months of transplanting seedlings. Subsequent
harvests are done at intervals of 60-70 days depending upon the fertility of
the soil and other seasonal factors. Under normal conditions, three harvests
are possible during the first year, and 3-4 in subsequent years, depending on
the management practices followed. Harvesting is done with the help of sickles,
the plants are cut 10 cm above ground-level and allowed to wilt in the field,
before transporting to the distillation site.
Depending upon soil and climatic conditions, plantation lasts on
an average, for 3-4 years only. The yield of oil is less during the first year
but it increases in the second year and reaches a maximum in the third year;
after this, the yield declines. On an average, 25 to 30 tonnes of fresh herbage
are harvested per hectare per annum from 4 -6 cuttings, which yields about 80
kg of oil. Under irrigated conditions from newly bred varieties an oil yield of
100-150 kg/ha is obtained. The fresh herb contains on an average 0.3% oil and
thick stems are removed before distillation as these are devoid of oil.
6.1 Drying
The grass is allowed to wilt for 24 hours before distillation as it reduces the moisture content by 30% and improves oil yield. The crop is chopped into small pieces before filling in the stills. It can be distilled in same distilleries as used for Japanese mint in India.
6.2 Distillation
Oil is obtained through steam distillation. The oil has a strong lemon like odour. The oil is yellowish in colour having 75-85% citral and small amount of other minor aroma compounds. The recovery of oil from the grass ranges from 0.5 - 0.8 per cent. It takes about 4 hours for complete recovery of the oil.
6.3 Purification of Oil
insoluble particles present in the oil are removed by simple filtration method
after mixing it with anhydrous sodium sulphate and keeping it overnight or for
4-5 hours. In case the colour of the oil changes due to rusting then it should
be cleaned by steam rectification process.
6.4 Storage and Packing of Oil
The oil
can be stored in glass bottles or containers made up of stainless steel or
aluminium or galvanized iron, depending upon the quantity of oil to be stored.
The oil should be filled up to the brim and the containers should be kept away
from direct heat and sunlight in cool/shaded places.
Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Lucknow-226015,
[Tel: (0522)
Research Laboratory, Jorhat-785006, Tel: (0376)2320353.
University of Agriculture & Technology, Pant Nagar – 263145, Distt. – Udham
Singh Nagar, Uttaranchal [Tel: (05944) 223 3333, 223 3500
Research and Development Institute, Aromatic Plants Centre, Sailakui, Dehradun.
Department of Horticulture and Food Processing, Ranikhet, Almora – 263 651.
Bheshaz Sangh, Uttaranchal.
Department, Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Coimbatore – 641003. [[Tel: (0422) 2445414]
quality commercial cultivation of this aromatic crop is a viable proposition
for the small farmer. The economics of
a one acre model farm are presented below.
Costs & Returns
cost components of such a model along with the basis for costing are exhibited
in Annexures
I & II. A summary is given
in the figure below.
Project Cost: (Unit
– One Acre)
(Amount in Rs.)
Sl. No. |
Component |
Proposed Expenditure |
1. |
Cultivation Expenses |
(i) |
Cost of planting material |
200 |
(ii) |
Input Cost |
4500 |
(iii) |
Insecticides & pesticides |
2000 |
(iv) |
Cost of Labour |
7000 |
(v) |
Others, if any, please specify (Power) |
3600 |
Total |
17300 |
2. |
Irrigation |
(i) |
Tube-well/submersible pump |
32000 |
(ii) |
Pump & Electrical Installation |
25000 |
(iii) |
Others, if any |
- |
Total |
57000 |
3. |
Cost of
Drip/Sprinkler |
- |
4. |
Infrastructure |
(i) |
Store & Pump House |
20000 |
(ii) |
Labour room |
- |
(iii) |
Agriculture Equipments |
6100 |
(iii) |
Others, if any, (Drying platform) |
16000 |
Total |
42100 |
5. |
Land Development |
(i) |
Soil leveling |
4000 |
(ii) |
Digging |
- |
(iii) |
Fencing |
29600 |
(iv) |
Others, if any, please specify |
- |
Total |
33600 |
6. |
Land, if newly
purchased (Please
indicate the year)* |
Grand Total |
1,50,000 |
*Cost of newly purchased land will be
limited to one-tenth of the total project cost
major components of the model are:
Development: (Rs.4.0 thousand): This is the labour cost of shaping and
dressing the land site on layout.
(Rs.29.6 thousand): It is necessary to guard the farm by barbed
wire fencing to safeguard the valuable produce from poaching.
Infra-structure (Rs.57 thousand): It is necessary to install a bore well with
diesel/electric pumpset and motor for providing adequate support to the crop. This is part cost of tube-well.
(Rs.6.1 thousand): A one acre farm would
not be able to invest on heavy machinery and will have to hire needed tractor.
and Storage (Rs.36 thousand): A one
acre farm would require minimally a drying platform, a labour shed and a store
cost has been put at an average of Rs.70 per man-day. The actual cost will vary from location to location depending
upon minimum wage levels or prevailing wage levels for skilled and unskilled
Recurring Production Cost: Recurring
production costs are exhibited in Annexure III. The main components are planting material, purchase
of inputs, power and labour cost on land preparation, application of inputs,
inter-cultural and other farm operations.
provision is also included for processing (extraction of oil) and
marketing. The total annual recurring
cost for a one acre farm works out to Rs.4.5 thousand (approx.)
Returns from the Project: The yield from the farm is estimated at 100 kg. of oil.
Valued at Rs.500 per kg. the total realization of the three crops works
out to Rs.1.50 lakhs (vide Annexure III).
Project Financing
Balance Sheet:
The projected balance sheet of the model is given at Annexure IV. There would be three sources of financing the project as below:
Source Rs.Thousand
Farmer’s share 75.00
Subsidy 30.00
loan 45.00
Total 150.00
Profit & Loss Account: The cash flow statement may be seen in Annexure V. Annexure VI projects the profit and
loss account of the model. Gross profit
for three years works out to Rs.106.70 thousand.
Repayment of Term Loan: The term loan will
be repaid in 11 six monthly installments with a moratorium of 12 months. The rate of interest would have to be
negotiated with the financing bank. It has been put at 12% in the model (vide Annexures
calculations may be seen in Annexure-VIII.
Project Viability:
The viability of the project is assessed in Annexure IX over a period
of 10 years. The IRR works out to 23.68
and the BCR to 1.4.
Debt Service coverage ratio calculations are presented in Annexure X. The average
DSCR works out to 3.12.
Payback Period:
On the basis of costs and returns of the model, the pay back period is
estimated at 4.74 years (vide Annexure XI).
Break-even Point:
The break even point will be reached in the 3rd year. At this point fixed cost would work out to 58.2%
of gross sales - vide Annexure XII.